
第13章 Te xt A Eve ry 2 3 Minute s

P re -re ad in g Sp e ak in g

Ⅰ. Talking about th e p ictu res

Look at the following pictures and answer the questions:

1. Can you tell what it is in the guy??s left hand and why?

2. What do you think of the guy who manages to rush across the road?

3. What would be the possible danger if one acted like the guy in the picture?

4. What is your advice for the pedestrian when he tries to cross the road with heavy traffic?

1. What happened in the following picture?

2. Why does the man on the ground think it is a lucky day for him? Do you think that he will come to no harm in the end?

3. What do you think the guy with the bat will do? Why?

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

In this picture,the driver??s use of the mobile phone is considered one of the factors contributing to the accident. First discuss with your partner and find out other possible causes. And if possible,try to role-play the situation.

Suggested expression s:

collision excessive speed drunk-driving alertness level

road signs divert one??s attention result in most likely

Ⅲ. Grou p d iscu ssion

1. The elderly people and the children are reported to be vulnerable road users. Do you have any ideas how to ensure their safety?

2. As a driver,what can you do to avoid the risk of having an accident?

P o s t -re ad in g Sp e akin g

Ⅰ. Oral p resentat ion

The following pictures are about a road accident. Make up a story based on the four pictures and tell the class what lessons one can draw from them.

Suggested expression s:

heavily-loaded precarious ( 不稳的) piles of logs bumpy ( 崎岖不平的) road

speed away knock . . . down pedestrian

Ⅱ. Grou p d iscu ssion

The following illustrates the relationship between safety and road signs. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1. What part do you think road signs play in our daily life?

2. Apart from road signs,what else do you think can contribute to safety in driving?

Road Signs

Did you ever drive down a long,deserted,narrow,country road and unexpectedly come upon construction which closed the road? Doesn??t this seem to happen when you are in a hurry to get somewhere? So what do you do? Well,you might turn around and drive too fast. So,what was going to be a nice day turns into a stressful day. The same thing can happen at the mine when one of the main haulage roads ( 运 输道) is blocked off and there is no warning sign posted at a logical detour point ( 绕道处) .

It only takes a little extra time to post a sign which will save someone??s time and could avert ( 避免) an accident. In addition,when posting road-closed barriers ( 设置路障时) ,think about visibility and the stopping distance of the largest vehicle at the mine.

Ⅲ. Role -playin g

The following picture presents us with a vivid scene of a car accident. The driver is trying to cover up his offense with an excuse that the victim deserves a public service award for his devoted service.

Suggested expression s:

vital indispensable eye-catching striking watch for . . . keep alert fasten your seat belt obey the traffic rules avoid drunk driving reduce casualties ( 伤亡)

Role play this situation. One plays the driver,another plays the policeman and the third plays the supposed windscreen washer.

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