
第11章 PartI(11)

10.The badly injured little boy was reported by the hospital spokesperson to excellent progress during that time.(make)

III.Word Distinguishing.

Compare the following four verbs, which have almost the same meaning but different connotations.

1.Adults often their language when talking to young children.

2.In those days, when my elder brother outgrew his clothes, mother would them so that they could cover my small body more elegantly.

3.I think you need to your diet a little more.

4.The design of the car has been for racing.

5.Opinions on whether to develop private car industry in China quite a lot.

6.Though the house has never been decorated and looks quite new, it has hands several times.

Post-class Activity


Complete the following sentences by translating the expressions into English.

1.He wishes his son could have the same happy childhood as he did,growing up surrounded by a large (大家庭).

2.Dual carriageway is British English,meaning a road with a strip of land in the middle that divides the lines of traffic moving in opposite directions,equivalent of (分隔行驶的公路) in American English.

3.The pedestrian (悲痛不已) when he witnessed his innocent wife and daughter were killed by some stray bullets.

4.Constantly haunted by (醒时的噩梦),she began to be addicted to alcohol.

5.It s surprising that the government which failed to (履行诺言) of lower taxes was reelected again.

6.It was reported that a drunken driver had broken through the (护栏) on a highway and hit three other vehicles in the opposite direction before coming to a stop.

7.By convention,the journalists are not allowed to ( 提 问 ) the speaker at a press conference until the organizer signaled them to do so.

8.Well prepared as I was, when the teacher asked me to recite the text in class, my mind suddenly (变得一片空白).

9.No one at the wedding party knew the whereabouts of (女傧相) ,including the bride and the bridegroom.

10.The new party members stood under the national flag, put up their right hand and (宣誓).


The prefix over-can be used to form new nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, meaning above, across, beyond or too much.Now complete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1.The river its banks and the surrounding land was soon covered with water.

2.Use illustrations where appropriate but don t it.

3.An accident happened when the car attempted to the truck on a bend.

4.Make sure they don t you for the drinks.

5.These days even a small flat that the bund in shanghai may cost you a big fortune.

6.In these days of technological change we all suffer from information.

7.The autopsy confirmed that the dead woman was by smoke rather than being killed by fire.

8.As a school boy, he had always been by his elder sister.However,when he grew up,he made remarkable achievements that made him stand out in university.

9.The sky seemed to indicate that the travel would be unpleasant and full of trouble.

10.The doctor estimated that the expected date of the childbirth would fall on a Sunday this week,but apparently the baby was five days.


Translate the following expressions into English.

分隔行驶的公路 。

防护栏 。

人行横道线 。

人行道 。

高速公路 。

红绿灯 。

十字路口 。

快车道 。

自行车道 。

公共汽车专用道 。

便道 。

警察岗亭 。

林荫道 。

安全岛 。

收费处 。

停车场 。

立交桥 。

高架公路 。

天桥 。

人行地道 。

加油站 。

内环线 。

磁悬浮列车 。

Text B

I.Word Definition.

Write out the words according to their meanings.

1.p--ad.before the natural or proper time.

2.c—-n.an advisor.

3.c—-vt.find guilty of a crime.

4.f—-n.death caused by accident or in war, etc.

5.c—-a.that can be compared; worthy of comparison.

6.c—-a.unwilling to accept changes or new ideas.

7.c—-a.showing pity or sympathy for the sufferings.

8.i--v.have a tendency or wish.

9.s--vt.put off or stop for a period of time.

10.i--vt.put disease into a person s body.

II.Phrases Study.

Fill in the blanks with the expressions given in the box.Change the forms where necessary.

1.A working party has been set up to survey the severe damage the Southeast Asian countries by the underwater earthquake.

2.The newly introduced law only those who are caught speeding on an expressway.

3.He s the person you can rely on, for he always his promises.

4.The defense lawyers claimed that the prisoners cruel and degrading treatment.

5.Many people suffer from mental illness in their lives.

6.No one knows how long he had been working in the field before he with the intense heat there.

7.Any complaints, suggestions or opinions about the product will the manufactures.

8.If we go to war, innocent lives will be put.

9.Please do make tea for me; I m leaving in a moment.

10.He is mentally ill and cannot held his actions.


Find the relevant expressions from the text according to their meaning given and then put them into Chinese.

1.a person related to sb.by birth rather than by marriage 2.officially give sb.a document that permits sb.to do sth.

3.a serious medical condition in which the liver does not work properly4.unfair, cruel or violent treatment of one s child and spouse.

5.harm done to sb.in an accident where sb.works.

6.judgment that is lower than the actual amount or number.

7.the service of providing medical care.

8.punishment to one who has committed crime and broken a law.

9.the right of being free from the attention of the public.

10.a person who passes a disease to others without suffering from it.

IV.Working for Phrasal Verbs.

A.Compare the following verbal phrases with“pass”and complete the sentences with them.

pass away to die。

pass out to lose consciousness。

pass by to go past。

pass off (of an event) to take place and be completed in a particular way。

1.The meeting of the strikers quietly.

2.The woman in front of me at the sight of blood.

3.The procession right my front door.

4.The old man peacefully with his children surrounding him.

B.Compare the following phrases with“subject” and complete the sentences with a relevant one.

1.Smokers more heart attacks than non-smokers.

2.Flights delay because of the fog.

3.The city heavy bombing and some important facilities were totally damaged.

4.As a test the metal once great heat.

Unit 7

re-class Activity

I.Word Definition.

Match the words from Column A with those from Column B.

A ,B.

1.weep A.speak in a low voice.

2.incompetence B.improvement by one s own effort.

3.tone up C.immediate.

4.sole D.do better than others.

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