
第16章 PartI(16)

10.awkward (Para.8)

II.Word Choices.

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.Her theories were not of with the scientific thinking of the time.

A.melody B.order C.tune D.tone.

2.His work was on posters, leaflets and magazines and reached far beyond the art gallery.

A.produced B.reproduced C.composed D.interpreted.

3.that he wasn t happy with the arrangement,I tried to book a different hotel.

A.Conceiving B.Recognizing.

C.Perceiving D.Contemplating.

4.The farmer is bringing his down from the hills for the winter.

A.flocks B.fleets C.clusters D.flight.

5.Some theorists would say exams are not an part of education.

A.inherent B.intrinsic C.initial D.essential.

6.I tried to excuse myself for missing her party but my attempts were very.

A.scarce B.defenseless C.defiant D.clumsy.

7.I sat there pretending to listen but I was to death.

A.bored B.dull C.boring D.indifferent.

8.I am going away next week,so I ll be leaving everything in your hands.

A.qualified B.capable C.competent D.able.

9.Is a team more likely to win a match when playing on its ground.

A.original B.homely C.home D.own.

10.There s a good that I ll have this essay finished by tomorrow.

A.opportunity B.capability C.chance D.incident.

III.Completing Sentences.

Match the left column with the right to make complete sentences.

1.It is a nice residential section, A u.passing overhead like a great dark cloud.

2.The curtain is not in tune B o.the record provides the Earth s sound.

3.The lady wore a white band in her C q.hair while playing tennis.

4.As soon as the details have been agreed upon,D u.equipped with modern conveniences.

5.There were countless locusts E o.that a flock of sheep have escaped onto the road.

6.After this silent representation of the world,F m.as there was no signature on it.

7.The police are warning motorists G v.with the atmosphere of the room.

8.Jane s father s will is invalid, H x.wood on one side and brushed the sawdust off the floor.

9.The worker put the sawed pieces of I o.police, the man would have been killed.

10.But for the timely arrival of the J h.the results would be proclaimed.

Unit 10

Pre-class Activity

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.

A B.

1.resistant A.force or pressure caused by difficulties in life.

2.well-being B.the state of being healthy, happy or prosperous.

3.prolong C.accustom; train.

4.relieve D.ease or reduce (pain, anxiety or trouble)

5.stress E.having or showing resistance.

6.tense F.occurring at the beginning; first or earliest.

7.condition G.make longer; extend.

8.initial H.make (effort or control) less severe.

9.relax I.nervous, anxious and unable to relax.

10.volunteer J.a person who enters any service of his own choice.

II.Word Spelling.

Spell the following words with the help of their definitions and the first letters.

1.e--the ability to do things without waste of time or energy.

2.r--make or become less active or worried.

3.s--try hard; make efforts.

4.c--an open or direct clash.

5.r--again and again.

6.a--uneasy thoughts or fears about what may happen.

7.d--subject or pressure, stress, or strain.

8.f--turn red because of a rush of blood to the skin.

9.o--irresistible by force of numbers, influence, amount,etc.

10.i--make impatient or angry.

10.i make impatient or angry

III.Word Finding.

Cross out the word in each group that does not belong.

1.angry distress misery agony.

2.expose extend prolong lengthen.

3.irritable cross ill-tempered irrigation.

4.relieve ease soften relish.

5.exhaustion exhibition weariness fatigue.

Class Activity

I.Word Choices.

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.At 20, she felt she had to make the her family and go and live alone.

A.break away B.break from C.break off D.break down.

2.The four men were all in organizing and carrying out the murders.

A.concerned B.connected C.involved D.intrigued.

3.I shouldn t always have to tell you what to do, use your for once.

A.initiative B.initial C.intimate D.incentive.

4.Guy has always been a (n ) of considerable disappointment and distress to his parents.

A.resource B.origin C.strain D.source.

5.Many of the horsed were showing signs of at the end of the race.

A.distress B.stress C.disturbance D.annoyance.

6.The whole country its breath as it waited for news.

A.held B.took C.gasped D.drew.

7.He their names on the list and then said that they could get on the coach.

A.checked up B.checked in C.checked off D.checked out.

8.The ceasefire will only provide a solution to the crisis.

A.temperate B.temporary C.tempting D.terminal.

9.Are there any plans to control of advertising.

A.tighten B.tolerate C.terminate D.resign.

10.She her parents advice because she had already made her own decision.

A.tuned in to B.tuned up C.tuned to D.tuned out.

11.It s a charitable organization, depending for its income upon contributions from the public.

A.voluntary B.visible C.potential D.occasional.

12.Migration into the cities is putting a on already stretched resources.

A.impetus B.effect C.strain D.intensity.

13.Their marketing for the product involves obtaining as much free publicity as possible.

A.technology B.strategy C.conspiracy D.methodology.

14.Ever since she d learned of his castle in Scotland, Julia had started to see Henry different.

A.in the...light B.in a...light.

C.with a...light D.with the...light.

15.If you continue to the Earth s natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.

A.delete B.deprive C.deny D.deplete.

16.As women we ve been to expect lower wages than men.

A.situated B.conceived C.conditioned D.accustomed.

17.If it will your mind, I ll speak to the boss for you.

A.lighten B.ease C.erase D.moderate.

18.She red with embarrassment at the suggestion.

A.flashed B.flushed C.fleshed D.flattered.

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