
第7章 PartI(7)

20.Rose,,is a mere kind of flower, but people have attached much symbolic meaning to it.

A.by itself,B.to itself, C.in itself,D.with itself.

II.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the given group to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.

job/work/profession/career/occupation/position/vacancy job the work that you do regularly in order to earn money,especially when you work for a company or a public organization work [U ] anything that you do to earn money profession an area of work such as law, medicine, or teaching, for which you need special training and education career the job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life occupation the type of work that someone usually does ( a word used especially on official forms or for writing about the types of job that people do)

position an important job in a company or organization (formal)

vacancy a job that is available

(1) Please state your age, address, and in the space below.

(2) Jane has a well-paid in the tax department.

(3) I took this new job because I felt that the prospects were much better.

(4) There is a for a shop assistant on Saturdays.

5) There are now a lot more women in the legal.

6) My father started when he was 14 years old.

7) She was the first woman ever to hold the of Prime Minister.

III.Phrases Study.

Complete the following sentences with a phrase from the list.

in the dead of night get through catch up with in the presence of in preparation for work on commencement ceremony go forth bug out go along with put together describe as conceive of get ahead fit into all along in one s praise of sth.be equipped to go off the end of the world.

1.Do you think he s been cheating us?

2.Many people consider him the leader who best be Prime Minister.

3.Rub the surface of the wood the varnish.

4.This couple couldn t a day without arguing.

5.I m really hoping to win, but it won t be if I don t.

6.He wanted safety, security, a home, and a chance to.

7.I don t think the new fridge will the kitchen unless we move then furniture around.

8.The document was signed two witnesses.

9.Reason him and he finally decided not to buy that expensive car.

10.She Gary shy, but I d say he was just rude.

Post-class Activity

I.Synonyms and Antonyms.

Decide if the following pairs of words are synonyms or antonyms.If they are synonyms, circle S.If they are antonyms, circle A.

1.pressure stress S,A.

2.defeat victory S,A.

3.inevitable unavoidable S,A.

4.conviction suspicion S, A.

5.proclaim declare S,A.

6.circuitous direct S, A.

7.release grip S,A.

8.considerate thoughtful S ,A.

9.glory honor S, A.

10.potent weak S,A.

II.The Study of Phrases with“Under”.

Fill in the blanks with the following under-phrases.

under pressure under attack under discussion under suspicion under way under control under orders under consideration under threat under investigation under the weather.

1.Even the most security-conscious computer user is from computerviruses.

2.It seems that the spread of the disease is now with great effortthroughout the country.

3.He was inevitably when his girlfriend was found dead in his apartment.

4.I can t go there because I m still feeling a bit.

5.The proposals are now by the Board of Governors.

6.A full-scale security operation is now as the 28th Olympic Games will be held in this city in a couple of weeks.

7.The cause of the explosion was by specialists.

8.The government has come from all sides for cutting education spending.

III.Word Translation.

Write down the Chinese meanings of the following words.














A.Complete the chart below by filling in the missing forms of the words.

Verb Noun Adjective.







B.Complete the sentences with the words from the chart.

1.I m having to make a lot of since I don t really know anything about the case.

2.He gave some excuse or other for not having been at the party but it wasn"t very.

3.Ministers agreed that this decision was fully by economic conditions.

4.She had the idea of a series of novels, each of which would reveal some aspect of Chinese life.

5.The idea of finding her real mother seemed to her.

6.This was to be her final professional tennis match, and she wanted to end her career in a blaze of.


The prefix pre-is used to form words that indicate that something takes place before a particular date, period, or event.Study the words below and then fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

prewar preschool prehistory precondition prearranged premade prepaid preplanned prefix predetermined.

1.Working to a plan, he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador.

2.They have been demanding the release of three of their colleagues from prison as a for further negotiation.

3.The Prince s destiny was from the moment of his birth.

4.A is a letter or a group of letters which is added to the beginning of a word in order to form a different word.

5.Accidents are still the number one cause of death for Americans.

6.The government emphasizes the value of a education.

7.Human is divided into three successive periods: the Stone Age,the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

8.Admission tickets are $20,$25 at the door.

Text B 1


Find a synonym for each of the following words or expressions from the article.The number of the paragraph is given to help you.

1.completely (Para.(2)

2.out of date (Para.(3)

3.throw away (Para.(3)

4.superficial (Para.(3)

5.not enough (Para.(4)

6.energetic (Para.5)

7.increase (Para.6)

8.essential (Para.8)

9.productive (Para.8)

10.discussion (Para.9)

II.Word Choices.

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.If the family home and joint pension rights are of equal value, the wife may choose the and the husband the latter.

A.form,B.formal, C.former,D.informal。

2.Teachers have joined a strike aimed at forcing the government to pay salaries and allowances.

A.overdo,B.overdose, C.overdone,D.overdue.

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