

For an hour or more the procession rode, single file, up the steep and rugged mountain-paths; but the boys were all in high spirits and enjoyed themselves hugely. The mere fact that they were Vikings, on a daring foraging expedition into a neighboring kingdom, imparted a wonderful zest to everything they did and said. It might be foolish, but it was on that account none the less delightful. They sent out scouts to watch for the approach of an imaginary enemy; they had secret pass-words and signs; they swore (Viking style) by Thor's hammer and by Odin's eye. They talked appalling nonsense to each other with a delicious sentiment of its awful blood-curdling character. It was about noon when they reached the Strandholm saeter, which consisted of three turf-thatched log-cabins or chalets, surrounded by a green inclosure of half a dozen acres. The wide highland plain, eight or ten miles long, was bounded on the north and west by throngs of snow-hooded mountain peaks, which rose, one behind another, in glittering grandeur; and in the middle of the plain there were two lakes or tarns, connected by a river which was milky white where it entered the lakes and clear as crystal where it escaped.

"Now, Vikings," cried Wolf-in-the-Temple, when the boys had done justice to their dinner, "it behooves us to do valiant deeds, and to prove ourselves worthy of our fathers.""Hear, hear," shouted Ironbeard, who was fourteen years old and had a shadow of a moustache, "I am in for great deeds, hip, hip, hurrah!""Hold your tongue when you hear me speak," commanded the chieftain, loftily; "we will lie in wait at the ford, between the two tarns, and capture the travellers who pass that way. If perchance a princess from the neighboring kingdom pass, on the way to her dominions, we will hold her captive until her father, the king, comes to ransom her with heaps of gold in rings and fine garments and precious weapons.""But what are we to do with her when we have caught her?" asked the Skull-Splitter, innocently.

"We will keep her imprisoned in the empty saeter hut,"Wolf-in-the-Temple responded. "Now, are you ready? We'll leave the horses here on the croft, until our return."The question now was to elude Brumle-Knute's vigilance; for the Sons of the Vikings had good reasons for fearing that he might interfere with their enterprise. They therefore waited until Brumle-knute was invited by the dairymaid to sit down to dinner.

No sooner had the door closed upon his stooping figure, than they stole out through a hole in the fence, crept on all-fours among the tangled dwarf-birches and the big gray boulders, and following close in the track of their leader, reached the ford between the lakes. There they observed two enormous heaps of stones known as the Parson and the Deacon; for it had been the custom from immemorial times for every traveller to fling a big stone as a "sacrifice" for good luck upon the Parson's heap and a small stone upon the Deacon's. Behind these piles of stone the boys hid themselves, keeping a watchful eye on the road and waiting for their chief's signal to pounce upon unwary travellers. They lay for about fifteen minutes in expectant silence, and were on the point of losing their patience.

"Look here, Wolf-in-the-Temple," cried Erling the Lop-Sided, "you may think this is fun, but I don't. Let us take the raft there and go fishing. The tarn is simply crowded with perch and bass.""Hold your disrespectful tongue," whispered the chief, warningly, "or I'll discipline you so you'll remember it till your dying day.""Ho, ho!" laughed the rebel, jeeringly; "big words and fat pork don't stick in the throat. Wait till I get you alone and we shall see who'll be disciplined."Erling had risen and was about to emerge from his hiding-place, when suddenly hoof-beats were heard, and a horse was seen approaching, carrying on its back a stalwart peasant lass, in whose lap a pretty little girl of twelve or thirteen was sitting.

The former was clad in scarlet bodice, a black embroidered skirt, and a snowy-white kerchief was tied about her head. Her blonde hair hung in golden profusion down over her back and shoulders.

The little girl was city-clad, and had a sweet and appealing face. She was chattering guilelessly with her companion, asking more questions than she could possibly expect to have answered.

Nearer and nearer they came to the great stone heaps, dreaming of no harm.

"And, Gunbjor," the Skull-Splitter heard the little girl say, "you don't really believe that there are trolds and fairies in the mountains, do you?""Them as are wiser than I am have believed that," was Gunbjor's answer; "but we don't hear so much about the trolds nowadays as they did when my granny was young. Then they took young girls into the mountain and----"Here came a wild, piercing yell, as the Sons of the Vikings rushed forward from behind the rocks, and with a terrible war-whoop swooped down upon the road. Wolf-in-the-Temple, who led the band, seized the horse by the bridle, and flourishing his sword threateningly, addressed the frightened peasant lass.

"Is this, perchance, the Princess Kunigunde, the heir to the throne of my good friend, King Bjorn the Victorious?" he asked, with a magnificent air, seizing the trembling little girl by the wrist.

  • The Point of View

    The Point of View

  • 经律异相


  • 孝行览


  • 太上老君说安宅八阳经


  • 道安法师念佛赞文


  • 逆势成皇


  • 许卿两世欢


    (第一世) 听说 隔壁府邸,搬来个清俊淡漠 皇上面前红得发紫的人物 她衣袖一挽,拍案而起: “这好事儿怎么少的了我?” 自此, 陌大人多了个小跟班。 吃饭,练功,散步,办公。。。 他:“你一天很闲,总往我府里钻?” 她理直气壮: “哪有!我可光明正大爬墙的!” 见他转身,她委屈巴巴: “陌大人,你如此玉树临风,潇洒俊逸,” 他放下杯盏,淡然回首: “说人话。” 她:“你和我夫君长得真像!” 他:“......” (第二世) 孀居的太后娘娘怀孕了 朝野震惊 群臣:“果真奸夫淫后,太后娘娘德行有亏, 自饮鸩毒,求个体面罢!” 她:“哀家,偏是,不如你们意呢?” 裙袖飞舞,冷睨一眼, “有本事便去找那奸夫呢!” 群臣:“定要抓出这奸夫,肃清江山!” 他:“不用找,本王不是在这?” 摄政王傲然挺立,灿若星河。 群臣:“这......” 他:“怎么,本王有儿子了,你们不高兴?” 群臣连忙哈腰: “哪有?摄政王此等喜事,宜普天同庆......” 他:“既是如此,本王便依了各位, 将太后娘娘也娶了罢。” (文文男女双洁,1V1,阔爱们放心阅读~)背景虚构,不考究
  • 道师衍圣


  • 左手的爱右手的痛


  • 小白兔重生记


  • 宋大少总是污蔑我暗恋他


  • 逆天废柴之倾城召唤师


  • 天行


  • 吾为谪仙人


  • 殿下她是朵黑心连

