

For those of you who seek to learn and make progress,I gently lay this message in your laps.I do so without the slightest fear but that it will turn your world entirely up—side down—bringing you health,wealth,success and happiness,provided you understand and accept it.

Remember,T N T is a dangerously high explosive; so when you gather it closely,handle it carefully.Down through the centuries its power has destroyed those who sought to misuse it.Therefore exercise great caution that it is used only for good.

This power can be proved by the teachings of the Bible,certain well-established laws of physics,and,last but not least,just plain common sense.Read and deter—mine for yourself whether or not the proofs I offer stand by themselves.

Some of you may see only the spiritual side,others recognize the scientific truths,and still others may accept it as just a practical operating device to put you on the road to success.No matter: many know the truth,and for you who will open your minds the light will pour in with dazzling white brilliancy.

I'm indebted to an old friend of mine,an expert on X-ray and electrical high frequency apparatus,who,when I was a boy experimenting with electricity,called to my attention the first bit of powerful TNT in my pocket.Then I didn't know what it was and didn't understand,but fortunately it has remained there all through the years.

As I look back,I realize why he didn't force me to understand what it was.He believed in me,and knew that when I was ready to accept it,I would.It's taken nearly thirty years,during which time I sought up and down the highways,looking,seeking and searching for“something” —the secret—T N T.

All the time there was some in my pocket,mine for the mere reaching.However,I've got a firm grip on it now,and I will divide it graciously,knowing that if used wisely it will blow away all obstacles and straighten out the road on which you've been wanting to travel all your life.

Why are you blocked?

For many years I was a newspaper man,frequently behind the scenes.I met great men and women,interviewed famous people.Naturally,I studied them and tried to understand what peculiar qualities they possessed that placed them above the others.But their secret evaded me.

Then came the First World War and I wondered why others made progress while I seemed to be blocked in my own ambitions.The war did teach me,however,that I could sleep in the mud,eat moldy bread and live to laugh about it.This is part of my T N T,so remember what I learned.It helped me to give Old Man Fear a solar-plexus blow,and I believe it will help you.

Hoping to find a royal road to fortune,I read hundreds of the so-called“success” books,but they took me nowhere.I did the same with books on philosophy,psychology,and still the great secret kept just a jump ahead of me.I joined secret fraternal organizations,hoping that I might find that which I sought.However,just like the bit of TNT in my pocket,the secret was in every book,in the great orders,everywhere,in fact,right under my very nose,but something kept me from it.

You will have to determine for yourself what keeps you from it if you don't get it from T N T.It's there.If you don't find it in the printed word,look between the lines—as I've done my best to present it to you.

Are you afraid?

Following the war,I became a member of a coast—wide investment banking organization,and during the years I cherished quite a dream—as did thousands of others in all lines of business—only to discover that the air castles which I built were on an unstable foundation.

That cataclysmic happening which turned the world upside down financially obliterated my air castles entirely,and I became afraid.I got lost in the fog.Everywhere I turned,something fell in on me.

As an executive of the organization,my responsibilities multiplied.Our business,owing to the economic changes which were taking place in the world,faced a crisis.Many people,failing to understand the catastrophe which had overtaken business everywhere,were critical.All of this brought worry and many sleepless nights.I found myself dreading to go to work,fearing that each day would bring added misery.

The weeks went on and conditions got worse and worse.I was baffled.Several times I talked about getting out of the business; and one day,in the latter part of June,1931,I made up my mind to leave.I mentioned this to one of the women with whom I had been associated in business for several years and saw nothing but reproach in her eyes.

That night I tried to sleep.Again,I found it impossible.I paced the floor for hours—when at about 3:30 in the morning I suddenly stopped and sat down.I was face to face with myself.I could follow the inclination to run and leave the others to carry on by themselves,or I could stay and do my share; a duty which I knew was mine.

I caught myself saying,almost aloud:

“Right is right.It's always been right.It can't be otherwise.” This was something I had been taught since infancy.

Suddenly there appeared to be an unfoldment!

Out of the air!

Out of the air came a voice saying:

“What have you been looking for all these years? What were you taught? What did you learn? Where have you been? Where are you going?"

I jumped to my feet,crying: "I know it.I've got it now,It's the secret.That's what they tried to teach me.It is the Royal Secret,too!"

Something told me that I would find those identical words in a book which had been given me many years before and which I had tried to read,failed to understand and had put aside.It was written by a great man,Albert Pike,a mystic,a poet and a scholar.Pulling it from the shelf,feverishly I ran through the pages.The words were there and I understood immediately.

Open your mind

I now had the key.I could see a broad smooth highway and at the end of that highway,a perfect flood of gorgeously beautiful radiance:

  • 盗梦空间:梦的心理解析


  • 在快的时代,你要慢


  • 色彩心理学


  • 心态决定命运


  • 成交心理学


  • 中外经典寓言故事


  • 天行


  • 异界小智


  • 三君四侍梦南柯


  • 天行


  • 蝴蝶风吟


  • 甜妻小青梅,拐个竹马当老公


  • 皇宫我家的


  • 蓦然回眸却情深


  • 桃花颜:仙尊难为

