

If others criticize you or don't believe you are capable of doing what you want to do ...don't accept their suggestions! Analyze yourself to determine whether or not their criticisms are justified; and if they are,remove any resentment you may have had because of this criticism,give thanks that these defects were called to your attention,and get busy eliminating them so they will no longer hinder your upward progress.But maintain your belief in yourself! If you lose this,you lose everything.All success,big or small,starts with faith in self and faith in the creative power within.You must have it,and you must retain it—to go from where you are to where you want to be!

Say to yourself: "Each day I am going to improve and eventually I will remove the faults I discover in myself.Each day I am going to attain greater control of my mind and emotions.Each day I am going to overcome more of my fears and worries and other destructive thoughts.Each day I am developing greater health,happiness and prosperity.Each day I am going to find finer opportunities for serving others and the doing of worthwhile things.Each day....!"

Take it up from here.Create your own tomorrows by your own positive suggestions as applied to yourself and your needs.


High explosives must be handled,at all times,with caution.Your "detonating caps" are now set,you are getting ready to release this power within,so the time has now arrived to warn you what not to do,in connection with this mighty charge of T N T that you are carrying around with you,under your hat.

If you use this power wrongly,it will blow your hat skyhigh—and you,and all you hold dear,with it.Because you have been created a creature of free will and free choice,you can choose to use this power for evil ...but you do so at your own great peril.Millions of human beings have destroyed themselves by so doing,and millions more will still do so before man thoroughly understands and gains control of this power in his life.This is the crime of the ages,that man has required so many untold centuries to even begin to gain an understanding of himself and this God-given power,which,rightly used,could long ago have brought man lasting peace and happiness; prosperity and health and everything good man could ever have desired!

Today,wrong thinking,the pent-up hates,resentments,greeds,fears,prejudices and other destructive feelings in all races of people are leading,inexorably,unless released by some miracle of new understanding of self and others,to the Cataclysm of the Ages!

You can only hold this power in leash for so long,and then it must manifest itself in some form,good or bad,in this outer world! Look about you.View the widespread unrest,the human suffering and privation in many countries,the economic pressures,the violent hatreds and prejudices,the mounting ill-will,the wars and rumors of wars—all man-made,through man's wrong thinking!

What can be done about it? How can this highly dangerous misuse of T N T be stopped,to avert unspeakable destruction of man and all he holds dear?

Something must be done! And you must be the one to do it! Action can no longer wait upon others.It must start with you.Every mind that is using this power as it should be used is adding something positive and constructive to universal thought.You can have great influence among your own friends,loved ones and community.Be realistic in your approach without being negative.

Whatever is to come,you can gain a great degree of guidance and protection for yourself by the right use of your own mind here and now.Actually,the power of mind to liberate or destroy man should be shouted to the house- tops.The most tremendous educational program in all world history should be launched to reveal to man what he is doing ...to himself!

History is replete with men who started out to use the power and were fast becoming headliners because of it.Then they succumbed to the temptation to use the power for selfish purposes,to take advantage of others,to gain domination over them.And while they succeeded for a time—some of them in a world-wide way—they all came to a tragic end.I have only to mention again such men as Nero,Julius Caesar,Mussolini,Hitler,Stalin,Lenin....Think of all the misery they brought humanity,the power they once had,and how the evil they created through misuse of this power has lived after them,in some instances,even down through the ages!

Watch your own use of this power! Don't let your ego expand as you find that this power begins to elevate you!

Listen to the voice of your conscience! Ask yourself before each step you plan to take,"Am I ****** right use of this power? Am I employing it in a way that will bring harm to someone else,in time,or to me? Am I trying to advance too fast,before I am ready for the responsibilities and opportunities and experiences I am attracting?"

Make progress slowly but surely!

Yes,it is possible for you to gain success—temporary success—too quickly.This power within doesn't have the ability to analyze,or to determine your fitness to handle what you want,in the right way,when you get it.All it has the ability to do is to deliver to you what you instruct it to deliver,through the kind of mental pictures you give it.You must be the judge as to whether or not you are equal to the demands you make upon the power within,or it will produce results for you to which you cannot live up!

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    “棠棠,你看看我嘛。我真的错了,我以后再也不这样了。” “哼,我才不信你呢,大骗子。” “我这不是被逼无奈嘛,谁让他们还想对你动手动脚呢。小爷我没把他们打进医院已经很给他们面子了好嘛。我保证下次我一定不当着这么多人的面,我就偷偷解决那些对你图谋不轨的人。” 一中不可一世的陈燃现在就像是一个在诚恳认错的大金毛,对面前的少女温柔的不像话。 这要是给学校其他人看见了绝对会大吃一惊。要说啊,这陈燃天不怕地不怕就怕阮棠掉眼泪。 陈燃对他的小青梅阮棠的关照可谓是无微不至,羡煞旁人。“喏,吃糖,棠棠。” “慢点吃,没人和你抢。” “棠棠,不要怕。” “棠棠,我来接你回家。” 曾有人这样调侃过妻奴陈燃,陈燃这家伙一天光是喊阮棠的名字就能喊个五百多遍。 陈燃听了之后,直呼说的真对,我就是喜欢喊棠棠,棠棠是最重要的。 总而言之,这是个青梅竹马的故事。 学霸小青梅vs忠犬型竹马
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