
第111章 THE LONG ARM(2)

On his way from Port Tampa to Cuba the boat stopped at Key West, and for the hour in which she discharged cargo Swanson went ashore and wandered aimlessly. The little town, reared on a flat island of coral and limestone, did not long detain him. The main street of shops, eating-houses, and saloons, the pretty residences with overhanging balconies, set among gardens and magnolia-trees, were soon explored, and he was returning to the boat when the martial music of a band caused him to halt. A side street led to a great gateway surmounted by an anchor. Beyond it Swanson saw lawns of well-kept grass, regular paths, pretty cottages, the two-starred flag of an admiral, and, rising high above these, like four Eiffel towers, the gigantic masts of a wireless. He recognized that he was at the entrance to the Key West naval station, and turned quickly away.

He walked a few feet, the music of the band still in his ears. In an hour he would be steaming toward Cuba, and, should he hold to his present purpose, in many years this would be the last time he would stand on American soil, would see the uniform of his country, would hear a military band lull the sun to sleep. It would hurt, but he wondered if it were not worth the hurt. A smart sergeant of marines, in passing, cast one glance at the man who seemed always to wear epaulets, and brought his hand sharply to salute. The act determined Swanson. He had obtained the salute under false pretenses, but it had pleased, not hurt him. He turned back and passed into the gate of the naval station.

From the gate a grass-lined carriage drive led to the waters of the harbor and the wharfs. At its extreme end was the band-stand, flanked on one side by the cottage of the admiral, on the other by a sail-loft with iron-barred windows and whitewashed walls.

Upon the turf were pyramids of cannon-balls and, laid out in rows as though awaiting burial, old-time muzzle-loading guns. Across the harbor the sun was sinking into the coral reefs, and the spring air, still warm from its caresses, was stirred by the music of the band into gentle, rhythmic waves. The scene was one of peace, order, and content.

But as Swanson advanced, the measure of the music was instantly shattered by a fierce volley of explosions. They came so suddenly and sharply as to make him start. It was as though from his flank a quick-firing gun in ambush had opened upon him. Swanson smiled at having been taken unawares. For in San Francisco he often had heard the roar and rattle of the wireless. But never before had he listened to an attack like this.

From a tiny white-and-green cottage, squatting among the four giant masts, came the roar of a forest fire. One could hear the crackle of the flames, the crash of the falling tree-trunks. The air about the cottage was torn into threads; beneath the shocks of the electricity the lawn seemed to heave and tremble. It was like some giant monster, bound and fettered, struggling to be free. Now it growled sullenly, now in impotent rage it spat and spluttered, now it lashed about with crashing, stunning blows. It seemed as though the wooden walls of the station could not contain it.

From the road Swanson watched, through the open windows of the cottage, the electric bolts flash and flare and disappear. The thing appealed to his imagination. Its power, its capabilities fascinated him. In it he saw a hungry monster reaching out to every corner of the continent and devouring the news of the world; feeding upon tales of shipwreck and disaster, lingering over some dainty morsel of scandal, snatching from ships and cities two thousand miles away the thrice-told tale of a conflagration, the score of a baseball match, the fall of a cabinet, the assassination of a king.

In a sudden access of fierceness, as though in an ecstasy over some fresh horror just received, it shrieked and chortled. And then, as suddenly as it had broken forth, it sank to silence, and from the end of the carriage drive again rose, undisturbed, the music of the band.

The musicians were playing to a select audience. On benches around the band-stand sat a half dozen nurse-maids with knitting in their hands, the baby-carriages within arm's length. On the turf older children of the officers were at play, and up and down the paths bareheaded girls, and matrons, and officers in uniform strolled leisurely. From the vine-covered cottage of Admiral Preble, set in a garden of flowering plants and bending palmettos, came the tinkle of tea-cups and the ripple of laughter, and at a respectful distance, seated on the dismantled cannon, were marines in khaki and bluejackets in glistening white.

It was a family group, and had not Swanson recognized among the little audience others of the passengers from the steamer and natives of the town who, like himself, had been attracted by the music, he would have felt that he intruded. He now wished to remain. He wanted to carry with him into his exile a memory of the men in uniform, of the music, and pretty women, of the gorgeous crimson sunset. But, though he wished to remain, he did not wish to be recognized.

From the glances already turned toward him, he saw that in this little family gathering the presence of a stranger was an event, and he was aware that during the trial the newspapers had made his face conspicuous. Also it might be that stationed at the post was some officer or enlisted man who had served with him in Cuba, China, or the Philippines, and who might point him out to others.

Fearing this, Swanson made a detour and approached the band-stand from the wharf, and with his back to a hawser-post seated himself upon the string-piece.

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    他,京都豪门之首安家的太子爷,传闻冷酷无情,心狠手辣,只手创造了商业神话,然而,谁也没有见过他,有的人说他奇丑无比,有的人说他俊美无俦,渐渐,他成为了上流社会最为神秘的存在。她,w市豪门世家贺兰家的次子,有着帅气的外表,阳光般的气质,深受女生们的欢迎,这样的她,却天生有些迷糊,以致最后招惹了一个永远也甩不掉的牛皮糖。两人第一次交集,他背着一个学生书包,带着一副黑框眼镜,长得人畜无害,正被一群人围攻,她,一时头昏脑热,冲了上去,在他讶异的目光下,撂倒了一票人,从此,两个人的命运开始纠缠在一起,不死不休。【两人第一次同房】安格洗完澡出来时,没有如贺兰英预想的一般下半身只围着一条出浴巾出来,而是穿的整整齐齐,就连衬衫的领口也不忘扣上,贺兰英略有些失望。安格见了扭头问她,眼睛眨巴眨巴,“怎么了,有什么不对么?”“怎么你洗完澡还要穿得严严实实的啊!人家什么都没看到呢……”贺兰英说完,才发现自己又说错话了,一时想给自己一巴掌。“你想看,那我现在就脱好了。”安格说罢,修长精致的手指就放到衬衫扣子上。“不……不用了……”贺兰英忙摆了摆手,笑得一脸尴尬,然而已经晚了,某男已经脱了衣服。竟然就是传说中的,穿衣显瘦,脱衣有肉!某女当场流了鼻血……【两人第一次同床】贺兰英表示没有和男生同过床,一时紧张不已,浑身冒汗,“舒格,你睡了么?”“睡了。”被子里传来闷闷的声音。睡了?那太好了,她也赶紧睡。半夜。贺兰英感觉不舒服,迷迷糊糊的醒了过来,“舒格,你的手伸过来干什么?”“……”许久没有得到回话,昏昏沉沉的贺兰英又睡了过去。翌日。“你刚才是不是偷亲我?”贺兰英问道。“没有。”某男嘴硬,耳根却不自觉地红了。当迷糊撞上天然呆,当真蠢萌遇上假高冷会擦出什么样的火花?答案是燎原之火!注:1.本书又名《我家萌妻魅力大》《萌妻快到碗里来》《论萌妻的养成日常》。 &#
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