

THOMAS.It iss no disgrace whateffer! All that a mortal man coult do he hass tone.It iss against Human Nature he hass gone; fery natural any man may do that; but Chapel has spoken and he must not go against her.

[JAN imitates the cuckoo.]

Ton't make that squeaking! [Going to the door.] Here iss my daughter come to sit with you.A fery goot day, Ma'am--no fretting --rememper!

[MADGE comes in and stands at the open door, watching the street.]

MADGE.You'll be late, Father; they're beginning.[She catches him by the sleeve.] For the love of God, stand up to him, Father--this time!

THOMAS.[Detaching his sleeve with dignity.] Leave me to do what's proper, girl!

[He goes out.MADGE, in the centre of.the open doorway, slowly moves in, as though before the approach of some one.]

ROUS.[Appearing in the doorway.] Madge!

[MADGE stands with her back to MRS.ROBERTS, staring at him with her head up and her hands behind her.]

ROUS.[Who has a fierce distracted look.] Madge! I'm going to the meeting.

[MADGE, without moving, smiles contemptuously.]

D' ye hear me?

[They speak in quick low voices.]

MADGE.I hear! Go, and kill your own mother, if you must.

[ROUS seizes her by both her arms.She stands rigid, with her head bent back.He releases her, and he too stands motionless.]

ROUS.I swore to stand by Roberts.I swore that! Ye want me to go back on what I've sworn.

MADGE.[With slow soft mockery.] You are a pretty lover!


MADGE.[Smiling.] I've heard that lovers do what their girls ask them--[JAN sounds the cuckoo's notes]

--but that's not true, it seems!

ROUS.You'd make a blackleg of me!

MADGE.[With her eyes half-closed.] Do it for me!

ROUS.[Dashing his hand across his brow.] Damn! I can't!

MADGE.[Swiftly.] Do it for me!

ROUS.[Through his teeth.] Don't play the wanton with me!

MADGE.[With a movement of her hand towards JAN--quick and low.]

I would be that for the children's sake!

ROUS.[In a fierce whisper.] Madge! Oh, Madge!

MADGE.[With soft mockery.] But you can't break your word for me!

ROUS.[With a choke.] Then, Begod, I can!

[He turns and rushes off.]

[MADGE Stands, with a faint smile on her face, looking after him.She turns to MRS.ROBERTS.]

MADGE.I have done for Roberts!

MRS.ROBERTS.[Scornfully.] Done for my man, with that----!

[She sinks back.

MADGE.[Running to her, and feeling her hands.] You're as cold as a stone! You want a drop of brandy.Jan, run to the "Lion"; say, Isent you for Mrs.Roberts.

MRS.ROBERTS.[With a feeble movement.] I'll just sit quiet, Madge.

Give Jan--his--tea.

MADGE.[Giving JAN a slice of bread.] There, ye little rascal.

Hold your piping.[Going to the fire, she kneels.] It's going out.

MRS.ROBERTS.[With a faint smile.] 'T is all the same!

[JAN begins to blow his whistle.]

MADGE.Tsht! Tsht!--you [JAN Stops.]

MRS.ROBERTS.[Smiling.] Let 'im play, Madge.

MADGE.[On her knees at the fire, listening.] Waiting an' waiting.

I've no patience with it; waiting an' waiting--that's what a woman has to do! Can you hear them at it--I can!

[JAN begins again to play his whistle; MADGE gets up; half tenderly she ruffles his hair; then, sitting, leans her elbows on the table, and her chin on her hands.Behind her, on MRS.

ROBERTS'S face the smile has changed to horrified surprise.She makes a sudden movement, sitting forward, pressing her hands against her breast.Then slowly she sinks' back; slowly her face loses the look of pain, the smile returns.She fixes her eyes again on JAN, and moves her lips and finger to the tune.]

The curtain falls.

  • 潜入未来


  • 超凡法神


  • 服装款式设计(职业教育服装设计专业系列教材)


  • 天行


  • 每个世界都在做梦


  • 俗人俗事


  • 灯火阑珊处


  • 拥有超能力的邻家哥哥


  • 祝世界明日以美好


  • 暖婚之陆先生的心尖宠

