

The Way of Transgressors Davy and Dora were ready for Sunday School. They were going alone, which did not often happen, for Mrs. Lynde always attended Sunday School.

But Mrs. Lynde had twisted her ankle and was lame, so she was staying home this morning. The twins were also to represent the family at church, for Anne had gone away the evening before to spend Sunday with friends in Carmody, and Marilla had one of her headaches.

Davy came downstairs slowly. Dora was waiting in the hall for him, having been made ready by Mrs. Lynde. Davy had attended to his own preparations.

He had a cent in his pocket for the Sunday School collection, and a five-cent piece for the church collection; he carried his Bible in one hand and his Sunday School quarterly in the other; he knew his lesson and his Golden Text and his catechi** question perfectly. Had he not studied them -- perforce -- in Mrs. Lynde's kitchen, all last Sunday afternoon? Davy, therefore, should have been in a placid frame of mind. As a matter of fact, despite text and catechi**, he was inwardly as a ravening wolf.

Mrs. Lynde limped out of her kitchen as he joined Dora.

"Are you clean?" she demanded severely.

"Yes -- all of me that shows," Davy answered with a defiant scowl.

Mrs. Rachel sighed. She had her suspicions about Davy's neck and ears. But she knew that if she attempted to make a personal examination Davy would likely take to his heels and she could not pursue him today.

"Well, be sure you behave yourselves," she warned them. "Don't walk in the dust. Don't stop in the porch to talk to the other children.

Don't squirm or wriggle in your places. Don't forget the Golden Text.

Don't lose your collection or forget to put it in. Don't whisper at prayer time, and don't forget to pay attention to the sermon."Davy deigned no response. He marched away down the lane, followed by the meek Dora. But his soul seethed within.

Davy had suffered, or thought he had suffered, many things at the hands and tongue of Mrs. Rachel Lynde since she had come to Green Gables, for Mrs. Lynde could not live with anybody, whether they were nine or ninety, without trying to bring them up properly.

And it was only the preceding afternoon that she had interfered to influence Marilla against allowing Davy to go fishing with the Timothy Cottons. Davy was still boiling over this.

As soon as he was out of the lane Davy stopped and twisted his countenance into such an unearthly and terrific contortion that Dora, although she knew his gifts in that respect, was honestly alarmed lest he should never in the world be able to get it straightened out again.

"Darn her," exploded Davy.

"Oh, Davy, don't swear," gasped Dora in dismay.

"`Darn' isn't swearing -- not real swearing. And I don't care if it is," retorted Davy recklessly.

"Well, if you MUST say dreadful words don't say them on Sunday," pleaded Dora.

Davy was as yet far from repentance, but in his secret soul he felt that, perhaps, he had gone a little too far.

"I'm going to invent a swear word of my own," he declared.

"God will punish you if you do," said Dora solemnly.

"Then I think God is a mean old scamp," retorted Davy. "Doesn't He know a fellow must have some way of 'spressing his feelings?""Davy!!!" said Dora. She expected that Davy would be struck down dead on the spot. But nothing happened.

"Anyway, I ain't going to stand any more of Mrs. Lynde's bossing,"spluttered Davy. "Anne and Marilla may have the right to boss me, but SHE hasn't. I'm going to do every single thing she told me not to do.

You watch me."

In grim, deliberate silence, while Dora watched him with the fascination of horror, Davy stepped off the green grass of the roadside, ankle deep into the fine dust which four weeks of rainless weather had made on the road, and marched along in it, shuffling his feet viciously until he was enveloped in a hazy cloud.

"That's the beginning," he announced triumphantly." And I'm going to stop in the porch and talk as long as there's anybody there to talk to. I'm going to squirm and wriggle and whisper, and I'm going to say I don't know the Golden Text. And I'm going to throw away both of my collections RIGHT NOW."And Davy hurled cent and nickel over Mr. Barry's fence with fierce delight.

"Satan made you do that," said Dora reproachfully.

"He didn't," cried Davy indignantly. "I just thought it out for myself.

And I've thought of something else. I'm not going to Sunday School or church at all. I'm going up to play with the Cottons. They told me yesterday they weren't going to Sunday School today, 'cause their mother was away and there was nobody to make them. Come along, Dora, we'll have a great time.""I don't want to go," protested Dora.

"You've got to," said Davy. "If you don't come I'll tell Marilla that Frank Bell kissed you in school last Monday.""I couldn't help it. I didn't know he was going to," cried Dora, blushing scarlet.

"Well, you didn't slap him or seem a bit cross," retorted Davy.

"I'll tell her THAT, too, if you don't come. We'll take the short cut up this field.""I'm afraid of those cows," protested poor Dora, seeing a prospect of escape.

"The very idea of your being scared of those cows," scoffed Davy.

"Why, they're both younger than you."

"They're bigger," said Dora.

"They won't hurt you. Come along, now. This is great. When Igrow up I ain't going to bother going to church at all. Ibelieve I can get to heaven by myself."

"You'll go to the other place if you break the Sabbath day,"said unhappy Dora, following him sorely against her will.

But Davy was not scared -- yet. Hell was very far off, and the delights of a fishing expedition with the Cottons were very near.

He wished Dora had more spunk. She kept looking back as if she were going to cry every minute, and that spoiled a fellow's fun.

Hang girls, anyway. Davy did not say "darn" this time, even in thought.

He was not sorry -- yet -- that he had said it once, but it might be as well not to tempt the Unknown Powers too far on one day.

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    新书《夫人又在闹和离》已发,请多多支持。 萧瑾和上辈子最憋屈的事,莫过于那刚过门还未见过面的妻子红杏出了墙,以至于他成为了全京城最大的笑柄,作为根正苗红的侯门世子,怎么能容忍这等耻辱!于是,他战死沙场了……重来一世,他发誓一定要揪出那个小女子,以振夫纲。穿越来的某女表示很无辜:你的夫人不是我,红杏出墙的也不是我,求放过好吗!某世子一步一步逼近:我认定你了。某女无语望天,穿越到这偏远山村就算了,家徒四壁也忍了,照样可以过得风生水起,带领全家奔小康!可这个神经病是谁?快来个人把他带走!她只想当一个坐拥金山银山的小地主好吗?!萧瑾和:还可以坐拥我。此书架空,请勿考据。
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