

In the economic sphere,the work of women was invaluable.They harvested crops without enjoying the picturesque title of "farmerettes"and they canned and preserved for the wounded and the prisoners of war.Of their labor in spinning and weaving it is recorded:"Immediately on being cut off from the use of English manufactures,the women engaged within their own families in manufacturing various kinds of cloth for domestic use.They thus kept their households decently clad and the surplus of their labors they sold to such as chose to buy rather than make for themselves.In this way the female part of families by their industry and strict economy frequently supported the whole domestic circle,evincing the strength of their attachment and the value of their service."

For their war work,women were commended by high authorities on more than one occasion.They were given medals and public testimonials even as in our own day.Washington thanked them for their labors and paid tribute to them for the inspiration and material aid which they had given to the cause of independence.

The Finances of the Revolution

When the Revolution opened,there were thirteen little treasuries in America but no common treasury,and from first to last the Congress was in the position of a beggar rather than a sovereign.Having no authority to lay and collect taxes directly and knowing the hatred of the provincials for taxation,it resorted mainly to loans and paper money to finance the war."Do you think,"boldly inquired one of the delegates,"that I will consent to load my constituents with taxes when we can send to the printer and get a wagon load of money,one quire of which will pay for the whole?"

Paper Money and Loans.Acting on this curious but appealing political economy,Congress issued in June,1776,two million dollars in bills of credit to be redeemed by the states on the basis of their respective populations.Other issues followed in quick succession.In all about $241,000,000of continental paper was printed,to which the several states added nearly $210,000,000of their own notes.Then came interestbearing bonds in ever increasing quantities.

Continental Currencya FiveDollar Bill Dated May 9,1776,and Signed by W.MastersSeveral millions were also borrowed from France and small sums from Holland and Spain.In desperation a national lottery was held,producing meager results.The property of Tories was confiscated and sold,bringing in about $16,000,000.Begging letters were sent to the states asking them to raise revenues for the continental treasury,but the states,burdened with their own affairs,gave little heed.

Inflation and Depreciation.As paper money flowed from the press,it rapidly declined in purchasing power until in 1779a dollar was worth only two or three cents in gold or silver.Attempts were made by Congress and the states to compel people to accept the notes at face value;but these were like attempts to make water flow uphill.Speculators collected at once to fatten on the calamities of the republic.Fortunes were made and lost gambling on the prices of public securities while the patriot army,half clothed,was freezing at Valley Forge."Speculation,peculation,engrossing,forestalling,"exclaimed Washington,"afford too many melancholy proofs of the decay of public virtue.Nothing,I am convinced,but the depreciation of our currency ...aided by stock jobbing and party dissensions has fed the hopes of the enemy."

The Patriot Financiers.To the efforts of Congress in financing the war were added the labors of private citizens.Hayn Solomon,a merchant of Philadelphia,supplied members of Congress,includingMadison,Jefferson,and Monroe,and army officers,like Lee and Steuben,with money for their daily needs.All together he contributed the huge sum of half a million dollars to the American cause and died broken in purse,if not in spirit,a British prisoner of war.Another Philadelphia merchant,Robert Morris,won for himself the name of the "patriot financier"because he labored night and day to find the money to meet the bills which poured in upon the bankrupt government.When his own funds were exhausted,he borrowed from his friends.Experienced in the handling of merchandise,he created agencies at important points Robert Morristo distribute supplies to the troops,thus displaying administrative as well as financial talents.

Women organized "drives"for money,contributed their plate and their jewels,and collected from door to door.Farmers took worthless paper in return for their produce,and soldiers saw many a pay day pass without yielding them a penny.Thus by the labors and sacrifices of citizens,the issuance of paper money,lotteries,the floating of loans,borrowings in Europe,and the impressment of supplies,the Congress staggered through the Revolution like a pauper who knows not how his next meal is to be secured but is continuously relieved at a crisis by a kindly fate.

The Diplomacy of the Revolution

When the full measure of honor is given to the soldiers and sailors and their commanding officers,the civilians who managed finances and supplies,the writers who sustained the American spirit,and the women who did well their part,there yet remains the duty of recognizing the achievements of diplomacy.The importance of this field of activity was keenly appreciated by the leaders in the Continental Congress.They were fairly well versed in European history.They knew of the balance of power and the sympathies,interests,and prejudices of nations and their rulers.All this information they turned to good account,in opening relations with continental countries and seeking money,supplies,and even military assistance.For the transaction of this delicate business,they created a secret committee on foreign correspondence as early as 1775and prepared to send agents abroad.

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