
第12章 南达科他州(2)

7.Authorizing and funding the largest four-lane highway construction project since the Interstate Highway(州际公路)System was completed;

8.Wiring schools to provide more educational opportunities for all South Dakota students;

9.Selling the State Cement Plant(水泥厂)and creating a 240million trust from the proceeds so that the state receives a steady annual income of at least 12million instead of varying incomes dependent on the cement market.

Mike,the oldest of 11children,was born in Huron,S.D.,and is a lifelong resident of Pierre.He earned a Bachelors of Science degree in political science from South Dakota State University in Brookings and met his wife,Jean,of Lake Preston,while attending the university.The two were married in 1978and have four children —Christopher and his wife,Lindsay,Brian,Carrie,and John.

Governor Rounds is part owner of Fischer,Rounds &Associates Inc.,an insurance and real estate agency with offices in Pierre,Mitchell,Rapid City and Brandon.He has previously served as board president of the Oahe YMCA,vice president of the Home and School Association of St.Joseph School,president of the Pierre-Ft.Pierre Exchange Club and exalted ruler of the Pierre Elks Lodge.He is also a member of St.Peter and Paul Catholic Church of Pierre,the Knights of Columbus,and Ducks Unlimited.

The governor is a licensed pilot(飞行员)with multi-engine and instrument ratings.He enjoys playing racquetball[短网拍墙球,手球式墙球(比赛规则和场地都与有四面墙场地的墙手球相同,但击球用以皮带拴腕的短柄球拍,球较墙手球略大而软)]with his buddies and hunting in his spare time with his sons and his lab,Brandy.In the summer,you’ll often find him and his family boating and camping on the Missouri River.

State Bird州鸟


The Chinese ring-necked pheasant is the state bird.It was introduced to South Dakota in 1898and is easily recognized by its colorful plumage.It is also known for its delicious meat.Since it is primarily a Midwestern bird,pheasant is considered a delicacy(佳肴,珍食)in many other states.

No game species introduced to this continent has been as successful as the ring-necked pheasant.One of more than 40species originating in Asia and Asia Minor,these birds from the genus Phasianus are perhaps better known than any of the other 15groups of pheasants in the world.All are related to the partridges([鸟]山鹑,〈美〉鹌鹑),quails(鹌鹑),grouse(松鸡)and guinea-fowls which make up the order Galliformes or chicken-like birds.

Archeological(考古学的)evidence suggests that large pheasants lived in southern France in the Miocene period([地质]中新世),some 13million years ago.The Greeks knew the bird in the 10th Century B.C.and we have adopted their name for the species,Phasianus ornis(phasian bird),derived from the Phasis River(now Rion)near the Caucasus(高加索)Mountains.The Chinese knew the pheasant some 3,000years ago,but the Romans are considered responsible for the spread of pheasants in western Europe.

It wasn’t until 1733that the pheasant appeared in North America,when several pairs of the black-necked strain were introduced in New York.Other pheasant varieties(种类)were released(释放)in New Hampshire and New Jersey later in the 18th century.Not until 1881,when Judge O.N.Denny released some 100pairs of Chinese ring-necks in the Willamette Valley of Oregon,did the pheasant really gain a foothold(立足处)in the United States.Since then,pheasants have been propagated(繁殖)and released by government agencies,clubs and individuals,and for all practical purposes are established everywhere on the continent that suitable habitat exists.


1.27inches length

2.Chunky,long-tailed,round-winged,ground-dwelling bird

3.Small head and thin neck

4.Immatures similar to adult female

5.Some subspecies have green body or white wings,but are very locally introduced

Adult male

1.Green head

2.Pale bill

3.Unfeathered red facial skin around eye

4.White ring around neck

5.Golden plumage with bluish and greenish iridescence and black spots scattered throughout

6.Long,pointed,golden tail feathers with black barring

7.Spurred legs

Adult female

1.Buffy brown head and underparts

2.Dark brown back with paler edgings and centers

3.Black spots and bars scattered about head,neck and flanks

4.Long,buff-brown,pointed tail

5.Lacks spurs

State Flower州花

1597年,最初给麟凤兰命名的是草药医生John Gerade。希伯来语:“Pasch”,其意是逾越节。这种多年生草本植物常被称为“Pasqueflower”,它是源于法语“Pasque”。它是一种野生植物,它是预示春天来临的信号之一。当其他的植物还没有放绿时,它们就在冬雪中开花,有白色的、粉红的或略带紫色的。这种花看起来像郁金香。

Originally named the Paschflower by herbalist(草药医生)John Gerade in 1597.From the Hebrew(希伯来人)word Pasch(逾越节),which means Passover.This perennial herb(多年生草本植物)is more commonly called the pasqueflower from the French word Pasque.It grows wild throughout the state,and its blooms are one of the first signs of spring in South Dakota.

While many of the other plants in South Dakota haven’t even turned green,the pasque flower is peaking above the snow,with its white,pink,or purplish(略带紫色的),tulip-like blossoms already open.The flower’s common name is French for Easter,and refers to the plant’s habit of flowering between late March and early June,depending on location.

This member of the buttercup([植]毛茛科)family,the pasque is a small,lavender(淡紫色的)flower,has been given numerous names over the years:Easter flower,May Day flower,gosling flower,wild crocus(番红花),prairie crocus,prairie anemone([植]银莲花),meadow anemone,sand flower,wind flower and prairie smoke(三花水杨梅).The scientific genus name,Anemone ,means wind flower.The species name,patens ,means spreading.The Lakota name for this plant,“hosi’cekpa”translates as“child’s navel”and is very descriptive of the plump flower buds that look like a newborn’s navel before it heals.

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